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Pilonidal Cyst Specialist

Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC

General Surgery and Advanced Robotic Surgery & General and Bariatric Surgeons located in Jackson, MS

Living with a pilonidal cyst can be a painful and unpleasant experience. However, the skilled surgical team at Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC, in Jackson, Mississippi, can drain or surgically remove recurrently infected pilonidal cysts to relieve your pain and improve your quality of life. To learn more about the available treatments for pilonidal cysts, call the office or book online today.

Pilonidal Cyst Q & A

What are pilonidal cysts?

Pilonidal cysts develop in the crease of your buttocks near the tailbone. These cysts form when the hair follicles in the area become infected with bacteria.

Infected cysts can be very painful. They may also drain foul-smelling pus or blood in an active infection. As a result of the infection, you may also develop a fever or nausea.

What causes pilonidal cysts?

Pilonidal cysts are most often caused by loose hairs that pierce the skin and are further aggravated by friction from clothing and your movements. As hair moves deeper into the skin, your body reacts defensively, creating a cyst around the hair.

Your risk factors increase for pilonidal cysts if you’re male and in your twenties. You may also develop pilonidal cysts because of:

  • Obesity
  • Lack of activity
  • Excessive or stiff body hair

If you work in a job that requires long periods of sitting, you may be at increased risk for pilonidal cysts.

How are pilonidal cysts treated?

Treating pilonidal cysts involves an in-office procedure where your provider drains the cyst. To keep you comfortable, they use a local anesthetic before making a small incision. Your physician then prescribes antibiotic medications to treat an active infection or prevent one from developing.

If you have chronically infected pilonidal cysts, your specialist may suggest surgery to completely remove the cyst and reduce your risk for future infections. They may also provide comprehensive wound care after your surgery to ensure you heal properly and minimize your risk for scars.

In some cases, they may apply only a light bandage and allow the wound to heal naturally. If the surgical wound is larger, you might need stitches to close it.

You may also need to make modifications to your lifestyle after being treated for pilonidal cysts to prevent their return. These changes may include getting more exercise, losing weight, and avoiding long periods of sitting still. 

Your specialist may also recommend using hair removal products around your tailbone to prevent additional pilonidal cysts from forming.

Learn more about your options for treating painful pilonidal cysts by calling Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC, or requesting a consultation online today.