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Lipoma Specialist

Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC

General Surgery and Advanced Robotic Surgery & General and Bariatric Surgeons located in Jackson, MS

If you develop a fatty lump under the surface of your skin, you may have a benign growth known as a lipoma. To confirm a diagnosis, the experienced surgeons at Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC, in Jackson, Mississippi, offer the convenience of in-office imaging tests, like CT scans and X-rays. If a lipoma causes you pain or reduces your self-confidence, your surgeon can create a surgical treatment plan for the safe removal of the growth. To learn more about your options for a noncancerous lipoma, call the office or book a consultation online today.

Lipoma Q & A

What is a lipoma?

A lipoma is a common condition that involves the growth of benign tumors composed of excess fat under the surface of the skin. These growths aren’t cancerous, and they don’t increase your risk for cancer. However, lipomas can grow large enough to cause discomfort or pain.

Lipomas can grow anywhere on the body where you have fat cells but are most common on your:

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Thighs
  • Armpits
  • Shoulders

While less common, you may also develop lipomas on your bones, muscles, or organs. The cause of the excess fat growth isn’t well understood, but your risk may increase if you have a parent with the condition.

Do lipomas cause symptoms?

While you can develop excess fat growths without any symptoms, some people have a lipoma that grows on joints or nerves, resulting in pain.

If you have a lipoma that presses on your internal organs, such as the bowels or intestines, you can experience symptoms like:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation

You should see medical treatment if you have a lipoma that grows quickly, becomes hard, or feels hot to the touch.

How is a lipoma diagnosed?

In many cases, the team at Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC, can confirm a lipoma diagnosis after a visual exam. They will physically evaluate the size and structure of the growth, feeling for hardness or areas of pain.

If they can’t confirm the growth through a physical exam, your provider may perform a biopsy, removing a small sample of skin for further analysis, or recommend imaging tests, like an ultrasound or CT scan.

What treatments are available for a lipoma?

If a lipoma becomes large enough to cause pain or interfere with your quality of life, the surgical team at Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC, can create a treatment plan.

Using minimally invasive techniques, your surgeon can remove the lipoma to relieve symptoms and increase your comfort level. You may also wish to have a lipoma surgically removed for cosmetic purposes.

Learn more about surgical options for removing noncancerous lipomas by calling Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC, or booking a consultation online today.